This dual-narrative story set in the world of the Eisner-Award winning Black Hammer series chronicles the legacy of a Golden-Age superhero. An aged crime fighter desperately wants to reconnect with his estranged son, who he hoped would one day take the mantle of Doctor Star. Over the course of the story we learn his World War II-era origin, how he got his powers, his exciting astral adventures, the formation of some of Black Hammer's greatest heroes, and more in this heartbreaking superhero tale about fathers and sons.
Astral crime fighter Doctor Star discovers a sprawling alien city that desperately needs his help to defend itself against a powerful intergalactic space monster!
o Ties directly into the Eisner-Award winning Black Hammer comic books series and is written by main writer Jeff Lemire.
3- (W) Jeff Lemire (A/CA) Max Fiumara
On the hunt for a cure for his sick son, astral crime fighter Doctor Star heads to the moon only to discover an intergalactic federation called the Star Sheriff Squadron looking for a leader to defend the galaxy! Ties directly into the Eisner-Award winning Black Hammer comic books series and is written by main writer Jeff Lemire.
Former hero Doctor Star, desperately trying to save his ailing son, has searched the galaxy to find a cure. When it becomes clear that it may be for naught, he returns home for a long-promised journey with his boy.
o Ties directly into the Eisner-Award winning Black Hammer comic book series and is written by main writer Jeff Lemire.
o Featuring art by Abe Sapien artist Max Fiumara!
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