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"Ultron Forever, Part One of Three" *The start of a three-part Avengers event! 500 years into the future, Ultron has won. Humanity is all but extinct – dead or enslaved by the Ultron Singularity. Now, seven Avengers are brought through time by Doctor Doom to battle the machine god for the fate of the cosmos… or die trying! It begins here – an epic adventure spanning the past and future of the Avengers!
NEW AVENGERS ULTRON FOREVER #1 PART 2 OF 3 - The epic Avengers adventure continues! • When Thors clash! Vision versus Vision - to the death! The strangest Hulk-out of all! The Loki of the 25th Century! • Ultron makes his move - but does Doctor Doom have something even worse up his metal sleeve?
UNCANNY AVENGERS ULTRON FOREVER- #1 PART 3 OF 3• The time-spanning epic comes to a senses-shattering finish! • Asgardia's Avengers versus the massed forces of Ultron! Can the Avengers triumph - or will evil re-take the throne of Odin? • Plus - the dark secret of Doctor Doom! And who is... Earth's Last Avenger?


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